About us

"Sacro Cuore" Preschool is an educational work run by the Parish of San Venanzio of Galliera. By Decree No. 488/532 of the Minister of Education, we have been a private school recognised by the state, since the 2000/2001 school year.


Foundation year

In 1908, in response to the need to provide employment for mothers with knitting and to care for and Christianly educate their children, the Sacred Heart kindergarten, financed by the better-off families of San Venanzio and San Vincenzo and built along the Riolo River, was born at the urging of San Venanzio's parish priest, Don Gaetano Pasquini.

1908- 1981 

 Stimmatine Sisters

From 1908 to 1981 the activity of knitting and
children's education was entrusted to the Poor Daughters of the Sacred Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi commonly called the Stimmatine Sisters.

Who are the stimmatine sisters?
The congregation was founded by Anna Maria Fiorelli Lapini (1809-1860) who, widowed in 1842, decided to become a Franciscan tertiary and took in a number of girls, the daughters of poor peasants from the environs of Florence, and devoted herself to their education.

Anni '80 - restoration

Don Pio Cavallina restored the kindergarten and
entrusted its management to secular staff.

1988 - Missionary Sisters of Childhood

In 1988 Don Andrea Astori welcomed with joy
the arrival of the Missionary Sisters of Childhood in the management of the kindergarten Sacred Heart.

Who are the Missionary Sisters of Childhood?
The Institute was founded in
Pesaro in 1951 by Mother Flora Pallotta who realised her
vocation of love towards children by dedicating herself to their education and the development of their potential, in particular the Institute was born to respond to a need for charity towards the numerous refugee children from Istria and
from Dalmatia in the immediate post-war period.


Private school recognised by the state

2012 - earthquake

Following the 2012 earthquake, the building of the old parish school was declared unfit for use, and for the following two years all activities were moved to the parish hall of San Vincenzo (oratory), which served as a school on weekdays, and on holidays was set up for the celebration of Holy Mass.

 2014 - the new headquarters and other changes

2014 saw the inauguration of the new Sacred Heart Preschool, built on the site of the former St. Vincenzo's bell house, behind the respective church.

In the same year, the Missionary Sisters of Childhood concluded their precious 25-year ministry in our parishes.

In September 2014, Don Matteo Prosperini entrusted the educational and didactic management to Enrica Scazza, as Coordinator and Teacher, and with the resumption of the new school year, the entire staff is secular.

From 2021 to today

The parish priest, Don Marco Malavasi, is
the current manager and legal representative of the School and the new Coordinator is Caterina Selva.

Operating bodies and staff


Legal representative and guarantor of educational identity
Parish priest Pro-tempore
Don Marco Malavasi

Teachers' council

It has educational and didactic functions

Caterina Selva


Intersection Council

It has collaboration functions

Coordinator caterina selva
2 parent representatives per section


Our school proposes itself as an educational environment,
consisting of daily experiences and didactic proposals designed to 'learn life',
to acquire skills, knowledge and affective and relational endowments for BEING in the world;
it proposes to stimulate children to research, to excite them in the process of knowledge,
through paths made up of questions, hypotheses, experimentation, construction, verification, reflection.

Our school as a learning environment: 'learning life'

Being in the world 

Daily activities and educational proposals to acquire skills, knowledge and affective and relational endowments

Not one, but many different learnings

  • Cognitive
  • Ethical
  • Social
  • Spiritual
  • Play 
  • Making direct experience with nature, things, materials
  • Movement
  • Relationship
  • Ability to imagine and create

Children' natural rights

Our Aims and Objectives

The pre-school contributes to the affective, psychomotor, cognitive, moral, religious and social education and development of children by promoting their potential for relationships, autonomy, creativity and learning and aims to ensure effective equality of educational opportunities. 

With respect for the educational role of parents, it contributes to the integral formation of children and, in its didactic and pedagogical autonomy and unity, achieves educational continuity with the crèche and primary school.

The aim of our projects is to solicit and promote a different expressive opportunity to convey emotions, states of mind and personal experiences, within a child-friendly dimension of play.