Relational Psychomotricity

  • Psychomotricity is not simply free play or spontaneous motor activity, it is an educational practice that considers the body as a privileged channel of action, interaction and observation, helping to harmonize the different areas of development: cognitive, emotional-relational and motor .The psychomotricist welcomes, understands and accompanies children in the game, favors and supports both individual and group communication.
The place where these games take place is a very private place for the children, it is a safe space. The psychomotricist therefore asks mothers and fathers to let the children tell what happens in this private place, when they are ready and if they want to, not to exclude but rather to support the educational relationship, since there will be no shortage of opportunities for discussion.

When the children enter in the so-called gym, the space is already ready to welcome them.
This place is a metaphor for the maternal body: it has soft areas (such as breasts, abdomen) and other more angular areas (such as hands, arms, elbows).
The space is divided into 4 zones:
-An area is dedicated to listening:
  • to welcome children's stories
  • to remember the rules for playing together
  • to listen to the story that is read to them at the end of the meeting
-An area is dedicated to the pleasure of experimenting: climbing, descending, jumping...
-An area is dedicated to rolling around, to accommodate slower movements: swinging, lying down...
-An area is dedicated to the use of soft parallelepipeds to build, destroy...
Children also have materials available such as: soft toys, colored cloths, cushions, soft swords...

The meeting usually lasts about 1 hour, has a constant and repetitive structure to guarantee safety and predictability, and is structured as follows:
  • welcome in the listening area
  • game freely chosen in the different areas of interest
  • evolution of the game
  • conclusion and distancing from the game
  • drawing/construction with sticks/manipulation
  • final narrative
During the meeting the question that the psychomotricist asks himself most often is "what are the children telling me?" one of the tasks of the psychomotricist is to narrate, to give voice to children, it has the function of "translating" to facilitate communication since it is not easy for children to give a name to the things in life, emotions, situations... the child experiences them first, then tries understand, then recognizes, names and identifies.


What are they?

In its different forms (visual, music, dance...), art involves all the senses.

Let's talk about art because art is communication.

Through the use of different materials and techniques (painting, collage, constructions...), it is possible to express oneself, to give shape to ideas using languages other than words alone, it is possible to tell oneself in another way, to express what one cannot say. 

On a social level, in art there are no right or wrong answers but interpretations and opinions prevail... From a motor point of view, doing and experimenting helps to train and control large or small movements, hand-eye coordination, for example: cutting out, using a large or small brush…

The ultimate goal, the "artefact", that sometimes the adult would like to be harmonious, beautiful, is actually NOT beautiful in its aesthetic characteristics BUT it is beautiful because it is the result of a lot of effort, of many skills put into play by the child, everything that happened during its creation makes it precious, not the product itself. Art and creativity have nothing to do with becoming an artist but rather with facilitating creation, solving problems, helping one express oneself. The workshops we offer to children are designed and created sometimes by integrating the vision of artists' works or by offering them courses that involve direct experimentation and manipulation of materials.


Manipulating clay is a truly unique creative and sensorial experience.
Clay has within itself all the characteristics to allow a free, autonomous manipulative experience that involves all the senses.

It is a natural material, it comes from the earth, it is moist, it has a good scent, it is pleasant to the touch, it is fresh, soft and can be shaped easily. It is a fascinating material, not only for its extraordinary plasticity, but also because it transforms in different ways. It can be used in solid or liquid form, 
it feels cold to the touch, but when handled it heats up; under the action of water it melts and dries in the air.

This last aspect, in particular, particularly excited the children.
  • Ispirato a Ervé Tullet

Workshops and meetings with parents

They are proposals that arise from the desire to share an experience between teachers and parents, convinced that building good relationships requires participation.The main purpose of the meetings is the possibility for families to learn more about school life, going beyond words and stories, living the experience first hand, together.

Civile Service

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