FAQ & Moduli


What is the school's educational offering? What activities do the children do?

We talk about it in the PTOF document, in the WHAT WE DO section and in the MORE THAN SCHOOL section

When is the school closed?

Look at NEWS for school calendar

How do you contact families?

Look at NEWS for updates and events, as well as our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
To keep  in contact with families, we may use email, telephone and paper flyers.

I have other questions, how can I contact you?

Contact us

Teaching secretary is open

Tuesday and Friday from 8:30 to 13:30

Phone number

+39 051 81 23 37


What should I do for the canteen service?

You pay at the end of the month, depending on how many days your kid has attended the school.

What about the menu of the day?

The menu is developed twice a year by Se.Ra Ristorazione, based on the frequencies of the foods and according to the indications provided by the local local health authorities.

The winter menu rotates over 5 weeks, the summer menu over 4 weeks.

Links and modules for menu

How to apply for summer center?

In the same premises as the kindergarten, the summer centre, which lasts four weeks, starts in July.
The price of the summer centre is per week (you can choose the
weeks to sign up for) and includes meals and snacks.

You can register from the month of May, using the form downloadable from this section.