In the hearth of what we do


the space of stories

'A child who reads will be an adult who thinks'

Jerome Bruner

Stories help to grow

The “instrument” book is a fundamental part of our educational proposal. We strongly believe that stories help to grow, stimulating the children to ask themselves so many questions and sometimes to find the answers. For this reason, on the occasion of the birthdays of children, the school has always proposed, in a totally optional way, the possibility of donating a book to the school by the family; thanks also to this precious contribution from families, the school currently hosts many volumes.


The 'Biblioteca' (Library) project was born from the need to reorder and catalog our books, so as to have their location clearer and be able to find them in the simplest way.

It also seemed precious to us to offer the possibility of borrowing books to children who have the opportunity to relive the many stories that we read at school even within the family environment, sharing this precious moment at home. The experience of the loan does not end, however, with the only pleasure of having the desired book even at home, but in fact stimulates in children the sense of responsibility: the book is delicate, precious and is of everyone, so it must be treated with care.

Just like in a real library, our books are cataloged, stamped and labeled; each label corresponds to a color, to each color a theme. The children actively participated in this important work of precision and care, guided by the valuable support of the municipal library “G. Zangrandi” by Galliera, who played a fundamental role in the success of this project.

Books in CAA

(Alternative Augmentation Communication)

Our library also offers a section dedicated to books in CAA (Alternative Augmentation Communication) that uses symbols, or images that represent the concepts that you want to express; these symbols make it easier for children to facilitate communication, both to children and have another mother tongue that to children who have diversity communication (but usually to all children). It is therefore possible to use CAA as an international language.

...And for parents?

We have reserved an area dedicated to the parents of à, which offers different volumes of Psychologists, Pedagogists, Educators. It seemed useful to offer even some advice in a smaller and pocketable format and, ready to be consulted at the time of need: the educational pills, small brochures for great advice.